Modawake 200 MG

In general, Modawake is a generic product manufactured by HAB Pharma. Generally, they are available in 200 MG dosages. This is the reason why you can only find Modawake 200 MG on the market and not in other strengths. They are very much the same in various ways as brands, including Provigil® and some other generics, such as Modalert. The key differences found between all of these tablets are the cost and the fillers that are consumed in making these medicines. There are numerous reasons for using fillers, including bulking and binding agents, countering the effects of anti-sick agents, enhancing flavor, and adding color.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs we tried to answerd. Write us at for anything else.

Take as directed by your doctor. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.
Do not drink alcohol while taking this drug.
Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after taking Modawake as it may cause dizziness or blurred vision.
Don't give Modawake to children.
Don't stop the drug suddenly as you can get withdrawal symptoms

Modawake Tablet works by stimulating the release of chemicals that promote wakefulness.

If you forget to take tablets consult your doctor.

No, it doesn’t affect sleep as it helps promote wakefulness.

Amphetamine is much more likely to cause addiction, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation, in addition to more side effects, without improving IQ. While Modafinil improves wakefulness and decision-making, it does not make you smarter, making it the best alternative.

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